Cleaning services also available in:
Our cleaners are highly trained professionals who work quickly and effectively. You’ll be surprised by how much we can get done in a few hours. Generally, most average-sized homes take anywhere from 4-6 hours to effectively clean.
However, cleaning is a process. Don’t expect us to remove every ounce of dirt from your home in a few hours or to never miss a spot. We aren’t perfect, but we are certainly approachable. Please do not hesitate to tell us what we missed and we will be sure to get it next time!
We usually have at least 2 cleaners work together. Sometimes crews can include 3 or even 4 people. The more people who are in a crew, the faster the work will go. However, our hourly rate is calculated on a “per person, per hour,” or “man-hour” basis. If two cleaners work for two hours, you will be charged for four man-hours (plus our small service fee), and so on.
Pick up or stack clutter
There are varying degrees of clutter in most every house, and we wouldn’t want that to be a reason to avoid having us come to clean. After all, perfect should never be the enemy of good. However, the more clutter we have to go around, the less of your house that will be actually cleaned and the more time it will take to sort through it or try to work around it. The more clutter you can remove, the better your house will look when we are finished.
Put away valuables
Our company is licensed and insured and our people are bonded. We hire professional, approachable cleaners who fit our company culture and love serving and helping people, and we train them to be as careful as possible with every item they encounter in a home. That said, we cannot prevent all accidents, nor can we be in the minds of all our staff at all times. To minimize accidents, suspicion, or unwanted handling of items, it’s always a best practice to put valuables and easy-to-break sentimental items away before ANY outside contractor comes into your home.
Leave us a list (optional)
We do the basics in every home – dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning kitchens & bathrooms. But, if there is something we missed last time or that you want us to focus on for the coming clean, simply leave the crew a note with those items on it. Our crews love to focus on the things that matter to our clients, and notes are a perfect way to accomplish that, especially if we are new to cleaning your home.
Be sure we can get in
If you plan to be gone, please be sure there is a way your crew can get into the house. There are few things more frustrating in our business than to have a crew drive somewhere, park, and unload equipment only to find that they can’t get into the house. It’s a huge and expensive time waster.
Leave closet doors open where you want us to clean
If you would like us to vacuum/mop the insides of closets, we ask that you leave the doors open. We value your privacy and will not open closed doors unless asked.
Put away pets
This is an individual recommendation you can discuss with Green House management and your cleaner, but it’s generally best to keep pets – especially dogs that could bite – in a locked room or a crate so your cleaners can operate safely and effectively.* If you want specific areas in your home to have special attention this time, please leave a note or let your cleaner know.
While we are happy to wipe down window ledges and spot-clean the insides of easily accessible windows, due to liability issues we do not climb ladders or clean tilt windows. We also do not wipe down TV screens, again due to liability issues.
We can add in the insides of ovens or refrigerators on request, but we generally don’t do these on a regular clean. If you want the inside of your oven cleaned, please run the self-clean (if your oven has one) at some point before we arrive.
We are very approachable! Please let us know the best way we can meet your cleaning needs.
If you are home and would like to pay via check or cash, your crew leader can give you a total at the end of your clean. Otherwise, we’ll send an invoice via text or email. If you use a credit card, the extra 3% at the bottom of the invoice will apply. If you choose to mail a check, you can leave off the 3%.
While tips aren’t in any way required, they are always, always appreciated! If you’d like to reward your hard-working crew with alittle something extra, you can either add it to the invoice payment (write a note on the bottom left on checks so we know how toallocate that) or you can pass it directly to your crew. Again, tipping isn’t an expectation or requirement. Some of our customers tip, others don’t. Others do so occasionally but not every time. Whatever you choose, you will always get the same service andconsideration.
If we missed something, please reach out and let us know! Our crews are friendly, approachable, and eager to please, but they aren’t perfect and they will occasionally miss things. We would rather know and have the opportunity to fix it on the next clean than see you dissatisfied or, even worse, lose you as a customer. Constructive feedback helps us all get better at what we do!
We understand that things come up and you won’t always be able to have us come on your scheduled cleaning day. We also don’t want you to hesitate to cancel if there is contagious sickness in the house. That said, if at all possible, please keep cancellations to a minimum, and, when you do need to cancel a visit, please give us as much notice as you can. While cleaning is a blessing and a luxury to our clients, it is our livelihood. When a client cancels and we aren’t able to find their crew another clean, they don’t work and we aren’t able to pay them for that missed time.